Light, in the seven colours it comprises, is visible radiant energy.
This travels through space in the form of vibrating waves which diversify based on their wavelength.
The human eye is only capable of perceiving radiation between 4000 and 8000Å.
Each wavelength band corresponds to a colour and has specifi c therapeutic action:
red: 620 nanometres;
orange: 589 nanometres;
yellow: 551 nanometres;
green: 512 nanometres;
blue: 475 nanometres;
indigo:: 449 nanometres;
violet: 423 nanometres.
Below violet we fi nd ultraviolet and above red, infrared.
The amount of energy of each colour is inversely proportional to the wavelength.
The higher the wavelength, the stronger the penetration of the skin and the lower the energy charge.
It follows that red is the most penetrating colour, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Violet reaches a limited depth, but infuses a high amount of energy.